Insight in (dis)balance of work, private and personality.

You have the feeling that there is something wrong in the balance between the pillars of work, private and personality. It's just very difficult to know where the imbalance comes from. You very much want to gain insight into the causes, into yourself and possible solutions. We offer you the opportunity to structure your thought processes using our method and inspiring guidance.
Getting acquainted
After a short acquaintance, a period of about 6 weeks follows with three intensive coaching conversations, supplemented with personal assignments, which lead to a clear insight into your situation. With the aim of facing your future with confidence.
About 2 weeks of intensive work on issues such as appropriate work, workload, stressful situation. For reasons of explanation and reinforcement, we conclude this period with a coaching conversation.
About 2 weeks of intensive work on difficult private situations. The partner shall also be involved if he or she so wishes. In principle, everything can be discussed on a confidential basis. The aim is to gain insight into the current problems, but also to be able to give a place to things from the past. Also after this period a coaching conversation will follow to discuss the result.
About 2 weeks of intensive work on your character and visualize habits and values. By creating insight, opportunities and causes are created. Also finished with a coaching conversation.
After 6 weeks, a clear picture is available about the (un)balance of the pillars Work, Private and Personality. A valuable overview of causes, problems and solutions. A perfect basis for facing the future with confidence.
Method Futura Esperanza
A proven way to gain effective insight into your state of affairs when it comes to the (on) balance of Private, Personality and Work. It is a combination of coaching conversations, exercises and information.
The difference between our approach and making one or more tests is the intensive six-week period under expert supervision. Not the result of a snapshot, but a considered view of your personality in relation to your position and personal situation. Which creates a clear structure to move forward.
The cost of this valuable blueprint is € 500,-- incl. VAT. This amount fits within the training budget of most organizations. By using the budget available to you, the end result becomes your property and sensitive information does not need to be shared.
Je hebt het gevoel dat er iets mis is in de balans tussen de pijlers Werk, Privé en Persoonlijkheid. Het is alleen heel moeilijk te duiden waar de onbalans vandaan komt. Je wilt heel graag inzicht krijgen in de oorzaken, in jezelf en mogelijke oplossingen. Wij bieden je de kans om met behulp van onze methode en inspirerende begeleiding jouw denkprocessen te structureren.