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The problem is not the problem. Talk at the table together. Convert an unclear situation via advisor to a targeted clear action plan. Client enthusiastically walks away with a step-by-step plan.

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Personal advice conversation

Discuss a problem, challenge or purpose with an advisor for finding a solution. This can be targeted advice or a step-by-step plan. In the case of a complex issue by analyzing and addressing the situation together. You can continue with a targeted plan.
Breaking a vicious circle of a dilemma or choice stress. Creating an overview, new insights, weighing things up with advantages and consequences or unraveling complicated situations. By providing advice and sparring with expert and experienced consultants, you can continue in a targeted manner after an intensive conversation. Well thought-out considerations make you director of your own activities, work, life or the situation again.
Building and solution-oriented in the right direction. This way you get peace in your head and energy in your body again.
Some common issues for a personal advice conversation:

Person sits on the floor and disappears under a mega big cup of coffee to find energy for all the actions that need to be done. Duties approach him. Burn out situation.

Mental overload or burn out

Could it be a burn out? Are you mentally exhausted? Do you want to prevent overload or have continued for too long and you have ended up in a burnout. What is it and how do you deal with the situation? What steps are possible to get yourself and the situation back on track? We have helped many people back into their energy. The conversation can provide a clear insight into how to get started.

Throw the next disc as the next step in your career. Man stands on discs and throws next disc into the career waves..


It is best to function in a job that is appropriate. What choices should you make in your education, career direction or company. If the situation has changed, what is possible and how to proceed with the balance with private and personality. Another reason for conversation is if you cannot function properly in a job. Or neutral advice about the relationship or communication with manager or colleagues.

man and woman back to back, angry


No more coming out together and experiencing certain problems. Communication is too sensitive and no longer works objectively. You don't understand each other. Whether the relationship has become very bad due to circumstances or certain actions and stands for the choice whether or not to continue together. A neutral advisor can help optimize communication in order to engage in a more objective conversation with each other. Get clear and optimize relationship or make considered choices.

Lady fired from work with box of office supplies and suitcase. Big question mark and looking for a suitable job.


A process towards a new function is not always an easy one. You may still be processing the situation. The reason for departure and the guidance can play a role in this. It could also be a new opportunity. Looking for a nice job, but how can this be best handled? Work that suits your personality. Get control over this process and work efficiently.

Person stands for large white sheet of paper, with marker, to come up with a business plan.


Start your own company or take a new course in business. You have well ideas, but how do you turn ideas into a good plan? What is involved. Whether or not the ideas are feasible and where do you start? Good advice from experienced entrepreneur can help you on your way.



Dealing with yourself is not always self-evident. Coming back problems with things you do e.g. in work or social. Obstructive factors that adversely affect your functioning. You cannot change characteristics. You can try to deal with it more specifically, so that the same characteristic no longer leads to problems.

Dealing with a difficult quality of someone in your area. A neighbor, a child or colleague. By putting yourself differently you can often reduce problems in relation to the person. A different view of things and a different way of communicating can often improve a lot.

Personal action plan

From the personal advice conversation comes a targeted advice or step-by-step plan, which helps you in the right direction. This gives you control and you know what to do and how to act. Result-oriented towards solutions.


Duration of conversation is 2 hours.
Costs € 175, -

effective realistic involved

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